Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) enforcement agents cited a southwestern Louisiana man on March 19 for allegedly illegally taking a Louisiana black bear in Vermilion Parish.

Agents cited Shannon R. Parker, 50, of Abbeville, for taking a bear during a closed season and failing to comply with wild quadruped times and methods of taking.

Agents received information that a black bear was killed near the Palmetto State Park on private land in early March. Agents located the deceased female bear, which was about 10 years old and weighed about 200 pounds.

A necropsy was conducted on the deceased bear and it revealed the bear was shot with a high power rifle on or about Feb. 28 or March 1 of 2025.

During the investigation, evidence led agents to Parker as a suspected shooter of the bear. Agents made contact with Parker on March 19 and during questioning, he admitted to taking a black bear at night with his .270 rifle around Feb. 28.

Parker said he shot at a dark silhouette that he believed was a wild hog and failed to identify his target prior to firing his rifle. Agents also learned that Parker failed to have written permission to hunt on property at night, did not have the landowner’s contact information in his possession and failed to notify the Vermilion Parish Sheriff’s Office of his intention to attempt to take wild hogs at night.

Since 1992, LDWF has worked to conserve and protect the population of the Louisiana black bear. Due to the many efforts of LDWF biologists, enforcement agents, and other partners, black bear numbers have increased, leading to the removal of the Louisiana black bear from the Endangered Species List in 2016.

In 2024, LDWF held the first black bear hunting season in Louisiana in over 35 years by issuing 11 tags to select lottery applicants. A total of 10 black bears were harvested during the open season from Dec. 7-22, 2024. In 2025, the black bear hunting season will be from Dec. 6-21 with 26 tags being issued to select lottery applicants.

Taking a bear during a closed season brings a $900 to $950 fine and up to 120 days in jail. Failing to comply with wild quadruped times and methods of taking carries a $250 to $500 fine and up to 90 days in jail.

Parker will also face civil restitution totaling $10,000 for the replacement value of the illegally taken bear.

Agents participating in the case are Corporal Derek Logan, Corporal Joshua Segrest and Sgt. Michael Hebert.