vermillion oyster reopening map


The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission (LWFC) will reopen the oyster season in designated portions of the Public Oyster Seed Grounds in the Vermilion /Atchafalaya Bay area to allow bedding of oyster resource to private leases. This oyster season is based on the annual oyster stock assessment provided by Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) biologists, recommendations by the Oyster Task Force, and comments received from members of the public.

During this oyster season reopening, the following provisions will be in effect:

The Secretary of the Department was authorized by the Commission to adjust closure dates based on biological harvest data or if enforcement issues are encountered. The Secretary is also authorized to take emergency action to reopen areas previously closed if the threat to the resource has ended and to open public areas if substantial oyster resources are located.

Harvesters are encouraged to consult with LDH prior to fishing this area as some areas opened by LDWF may be closed due to water quality concerns by LDH.

Public notice of any opening, delay, or closing of a season will be provided at least 72 hours prior to such action, unless the Louisiana Department of Health orders such closure for public concerns.

For a map of this opening see above or click here.
For more information, contact Robert Caballero at  or 504-286-4054.