The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission (LWFC) adopted a Notice of Intent to hold a Louisiana black bear hunting season in December of 2024 in northeast Louisiana. The action came during the commission’s November meeting Thursday (Nov. 2) in Baton Rouge.
The hunt, which will be by lottery and administered by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF), would be confined to Bear Management Area 4, which includes Tensas, Madison, East Carroll and West Carroll parishes and portions of Richland, Franklin and Catahoula parishes. The season would begin on Dec. 7, 2024 and run through Dec. 22, 2024.
Cubs and females with cubs are not legal to harvest. A cub is defined as any bear less than or equal to 75 pounds. According to the NOI, the number of bear harvest permits issued will be determined based on Bear Area specific population estimates and vital rate data acquired at regular intervals.
Hunts will be restricted to properly licensed Louisiana residents by lottery. All successful applicants for the hunt will be required to attend a LDWF bear hunter training course.
To see the complete NOI, go to https://www.wlf.louisiana.gov/assets/Resources/Publications/Commission_Action_Items/Bear-Hunting-Areas-Seasons-Rules-Bag-Limits-NOI--Amended.pdf.
Public comment on the NOI will be accepted through Feb. 5, 2024, at 4 p.m. and can be submitted to LDWF Large Carnivore Program Manager John Hanks at jhanks@wlf.la.gov or 318-343-8325.