The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission (LWFC) approved notices of intent for the 2021-22 and 2022-23 hunting seasons, 2021-22 general and Wildlife Management Areas (WMA) hunting seasons and rules and regulations, 2022 general and WMA turkey hunting season and rules and regulations, and 2021-22 migratory bird hunting season and rules and regulations at its May meeting, Thursday (May 6) in Baton Rouge.
In doing so, the commission also approved an amendment added during the NOI process pertaining to the use of natural deer urine in Louisiana.
The full amendment as adopted reads as follows; It is unlawful to import, sell, use or possess scents or lures that contain natural deer urine or other bodily fluids, except natural deer urine products by manufacturers or entities that are actively enrolled and participating in either the Responsible Hunting Scent Association (RHSA) or Archery Trade Association Deer Protection Program, and which has been tested using real-time quaking induced conversion (RT-QuIC) and certified that no detectable levels of chronic wasting disease are present and is clearly labeled as such.
To view the full notice of intent and all proposed hunting season dates and regulations changes for the upcoming hunting seasons, go to
For more information, contact Tommy Tuma by email at