The Artificial Reef Council will meet at 9:00 am on Tuesday, April 30th in the Joe L. Herring Louisiana Room of the Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries headquarters building, 2000 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge.



1. Introduction and Welcome

2. Approval of agenda

3. Approval of minutes

4. Reef Program updates

a. Nearshore & Offshore: Mike McDonough

b. Inshore & NRDA Rec Use: Ashley Ferguson

c. Monitoring: Zach Chain

5. An Overview of the BOEM Platform Removal Studies - Fisheries Impact Assessment: Benny Galloway

6. Proposed changes to Nearshore Planning Areas*

7. East Cameron 278 C (SARS proposal)*

8. Public Comments

9. Other business

10. Adjourn

*Action items for Council