Big Brown Bat
Carolina bat, brown bat, dusky bat, house bat, serotine bat
Scientific Name:
Eptesicus fuscus Aerial/Aboreal
A large brown bat. Color ranges from amber brown to dull drab brown. Underparts are lighter and may be more pinkish or olive buff. Ears are short, black, and hairless. Young are usually darker than adults.
Range and Habitat
Found throughout the United States and from southern Canada to British Columbia and south to Baja California. Also found in most of Mexico and Central America to Panama, eastward to Florida and the Atlantic Coast. Found in cities and other semi-open habitats as well as wooded areas, especially deciduous forests. Generally roosts in buildings in the summer as well as under bridges and in hollow trees, attics, barns, and sewers; prefers a cooler roosting site than other bats.
Feeds on flying insects such as beetles. Mates throughout summer into fall. Young are born in May through July. Usually, have one to two young. Young are able to fly at 4 to 5 weeks. Usually appears alone or in small groups. Usually active at night up to 10 pm.
Population Status
Ranked as S2 (Imperiled) in Louisiana. Threats include lighting of roost areas, habitat reduction, and human fear of bats resulting in bat mortality or roost destruction.
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