Redear Sunfish
Chinquapin, Shellcracker, Bream, Rouge Ear Sunfish, Sun Perch
Scientific Name:
Lepomis microlophus Freshwater
- Seasons and Regulations
- Licenses/Permits
A deep-bodied fish with a dark, olive green back, yellow to green sides, and almost white belly. Body may have darker spots and flecks of red and occasionally vertical bars along the sides. Ear flap is short and black, with a bright red spot or border on the edge. Normally grow to less than 2 pounds and up to 10 inches.
Range and Habitat
Native throughtout the southeastern United States. Inhabit many types of freshwater systems including ponds, rivers, and lakes. Common in warm, clear, still water. Prefer vegetation or other cover like stumps or logs.
Spawn in late spring through summer. Males create nests in colonies, generally in muddy or sandy bottoms. After the female lays the eggs, the male continues to guard the nest and eggs, up to a week after after hatching when the fry leave the nest. Feed near the bottom or off of structure on insect larvae and snails, the root of their nicknames shellcracker and stumpknocker. Average lifespan is 6 to 7 years.