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Western Ratsnake

Texas Ratsnake

  • Scientific Name:

    Pantherophis obsoletus
  • Terrestrial

  • Native

  • Snakes

  • Nonvenomous


A large constricting snake- 25 to 84 inches long. In southern Louisiana and some low areas in central Louisiana: tan or gray with large dark brown or black blotches down the back and a smaller series on each side. Some scales yellow, orange, or red producing a calico effect. Underside is white anteriorly, grading to gray or pale brown with obscure markings toward the tail. In northern and central Louisiana: black above, often with pale spotting indicating a vague outline of dark blotches. Young rat snakes are pale gray with dark brown blotches. Scales slightly keeled (ridged) on the middle of the back and in 25 to 27 rows.

Range and Habitat

Found throughout Louisiana eastward to the Mississippi River floodplain but sparingly into the edge of the marsh country. Found in most habitats in Louisiana but most common in areas containing a mixture of pastures, farmland, and woodlands.


Climb readily and may be seen high in trees or crawling up the trunks and in the rafters of barns. Raise their forebody in a loose coil, strike, and rattle their tail when agitated. This defensive behavior produces undue fear in people as rat snakes are nonvenomous. Feed on small mammals and birds. Lay 4 to 44 eggs.

Population Status

Populations are considered stable within the state.